Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is a non-surgical procedure that delivers precisely-targeted radiation at much higher doses, in only a single or few treatments, as compared to traditional radiation therapy. SRS and SBRT(Stereotactic body radiation therapy) are important alternatives to invasive surgery, especially for patients who are unable to undergo surgery and for tumors and abnormalities that are hard to reach, located close to vital organs/anatomic regions or subject to movement within the body.
The exact positioning of the patient for each treatment session is crucial. While a head frame (stereotactic ring) is still widely used and effective to immobilize the patient during treatment, a frameless option using a non-invasive, personalized mask is now the state-of-the-art alternative for LINAC-based stereotactic radiosurgery. The Gamma Knife has also developed frameless technology in order to spare the patient the invasive frame placement procedure. Frameless SRS allows for fractionated SRS, or SBRT an advantage for large tumors or those in particularly critical locations.
We are glad to introduce Klarity SRS System, the frameless and non-invasive mask based patient positioning solution, its clinical use and outcome on different linear accelerators for SRS treatment. The Klarity SRS System consists of two masks, a bite block and an SRS baseplate with alternative frames. With sub-millimeter accuracy and CBCT registration error ≤1mm, the Klarity SRS System is clinically evidenced a reliable immobilization solution for SRS and SRT.
Klarity SRS System works with M6 CyberKnife
Klarity SRS System works with TomoTherapy
Klarity SRS System works with Varian Trilogy
Klarity SRS System works with Elekta Infinity
Klarity SRS System provides unique corrective pitch capability and positioning flexibility. The SRS baseplate comes with 3 types of alternative frames. These frames ensure the masks fit well during respositioning whether the patient gains or loses weight during treatment.
The double-masks system molds to the front and back of the head, enhancing accuracy and reliability. The bite block is significant advancement in comfortable, accurate positioning for head and neck treatments.
Clinical Evidence 1
Pictures shared by the satisfied users from Xiamen Humanity Hospital. Their clinical practice shows that the SRS System guarantees intrafractional setup errors less than one millimeter and superb patient comfort during the treatment.
Clinical Evidence 2
The First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University uses Klarity SRS System on their TomoTherapy. The case shows that the frameless positioning system improves patient comfort and achieves sub-millimeter accuracy which is required for high precision stereotactic treatment.
Treatment sessions: 56 Gy in 7 fractions of 8 Gy
Watch Klarity SRS System Video for more details: